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I. Basic Research: Developing Azole-Related Small Molecule Anticancer Agents with Dual Mechanism of Actions in One Entity.

Overview: Polypharmacology has been receiving increasing attention as a novel strategy in drug development over the past decade. In contrast to the conventional one-drug/one-target approach, polypharmacology aims to develop drugs with multiple related targets or mechanisms of action to obtain more robust effects on diseases involving dysfunction of complex biological networks, such as cancer. This approach addresses some of the issues that can occur with multidrug chemotherapy, such as drug-drug interaction and poor medication compliance.

​Subprojects: i) Identification of Dual Acting Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors.  ii) Developing anticancer Agents with Anti-inflammatory Agents.​


II. Research Education (Spring 2025)

     IIA.  Empowering the Next Generation of Drug Discovery Researchers


          Project (I): "AI/ML Enhanced Design, Synthesis, and Computational Studies of Thiadiazole-Oxidazole                    Hybrids Bearing Acryl Scaffold as Anticancer Agent with Anticholinesterase Effects."


        Project (ii): " ML Design, Synthesis, and Computational Approaches to Identify 1,3,4- Oxadiazole Clubbed              Cinnamic and Kojic Acid Derivatives as Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors with Antimelanogenic Effects."


       Project(iii); Machine Learning Facilitated Design, Synthesis, and Computational Studies of Benzimidazole-             1,3,4-Oxadiazole Hybrids as Pyruvate Kinase M2 Activators for Oral Cancer Therapeutics." 


      Project (iv): AI/ML Assisted Investigation of Dual Acting Kinase Inhibitors for Neurodegenerative Disorder              Treatment."


      Project(V): "Dual Acting Kinase Inhibitors Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD) Approach for Predicting                Physicochemical Properties and ADME-T of VEGFR-2 Inhibitors with cMet Inhibitory Effects."


       Project IIA(Vi)  "The Next Step for Advancement of Drug Discovery and Development: AI/ML Enhanced                      CADD."


IIB. Cancer Disparity Research, Education & Engagement: Mentoring Minority Cancer Researchers of Tomorrow:

 Overview: Disparities in health care based on race/ethnicity represent a mutable factor that costs the U.S. government billions of dollars annually. The Florida-California Cancer Research, Education & Engagement (CaRE2) Health Equity Center is a collaboration among Florida A&M University (FAMU, a Historically Black College and University {HBCU}), University of Florida (UF) and University of Southern California (USC) that will advance cancer research better to meet the needs of Black and Latino communities. In response to the Comprehensive Partnerships to Advance Cancer Health Equity (CPACHE) U54 PAR, the CaRE2 Health Equity Center Research Education Core (REC) is proposed to meet the cancer research education needs of underrepresented minorities (URM) in Florida and California, especially Blacks and Latinos. 


Orange Background
Research Related Awards
  • 2023-2028 (Grant Period II): FAMU Core Leader for U54-Florida-California Cancer Research Education & Engagement Equity Center.

  • 2018-2023 (Grant Period I): FAMU Core Leader for U54-Florida-California Cancer Research Education & Engagement Equity Center.

  • 2016: HERI Florida Research Leadership Scholar Program Travel Award.

  • 2016: FAMU-UF NCI P20 Planning Grant Award – UF-FAMU Minority Cancer Research Training.

  • 2012 - 2017: FAMU Research Center for Minority Institutions.

  • 2013: FRAP- FAMU School of Graduate Studies.

  • 2013: Faculty Travel Award – FAMU Academic Affairs.

Research Related Professional Developments

  • ACS Webinars: Your Career Story: Crafting CVs and Resumes. May 15, 2024.

  • 2016-Partnership to Advance Cancer Health Equity (PACHE): Communication and Evaluation for a Stronger Partnership, NCI Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities, Investigators Meeting, June 11-12, 2016, Maryland, USA.

  • 2016-Florida Health Disparities Summit: Strengthening Research Collaboration in Personalized Medicine, Social Determinants, and Community Engagement, Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL, Feb. 5-6, 2016.

  • 2011-ACS Short Course: “Structure Based Drug Design,” March 2011, Anaheim, CA.

  • 2010-ACS Short Course: “Drug-like Properties (ADME) and Toxicity,” March 2010, San Francisco, CA.


Research Laboratory: The Bio-organic Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory, located on the fifth floor (Room 508 & 507) of the Fredrick S. Humphries Science Research Facility, has been dedicated to basic drug discovery research and organic synthesis for the past 15 years. Dr. Mochona has equipped this laboratory with modern facilities, including four large fume hoods, large-scale distillation facilities, four deluxe type Buchi Rotavapors, preparative chromatography equipment, refrigerators, solvent cabinets, and a variety of glassware for small and large-scale synthesis.


FAMU RCMI Shared Instrumentation Laboratory: Dr. Mochona collaborates with investigators from the College of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Research Center for Minority Institutions (RCMI), Drug Discovery Core.

RCMI-Molecular Modeling Facility: This facility provides modern modeling software suites on Windows and Linux platforms and technical assistance for performing QSAR, protein receptor-ligand docking, virtual screening, cheminformatics, molecular dynamics, and other drug discovery functions.


RCMI-NMR Facility: This facility offers instrumentation and technical assistance for obtaining NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) spectra for liquid samples. It supports drug discovery research and other chemical and biochemical research activities, including monitoring chemical reactions, identifying/elucidating chemical structures, and determining the purity of synthetic products.


RCMI Flow Cytometry / Imaging Facility: This facility provides resources for image data acquisition and analysis for radioactive

Get in Touch

Department of Chemistry
College of Science & Technology
Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL. 32307
Office: FSH Science Res. Center, Rm 510 

Lab: FSH Science Res. Center, Rm 507 & 508

Office Phone: 850-412-5092

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